Attention Parents of 9th - 12th Graders:
Preparing yourself financially is one of the most important things you can do for your college-bound child. The way you structure your taxes, savings, investments and businesses now can make a huge difference in your child’s college options and how much you will be expected to pay.
Verde Valley School is pleased to provide our families with valuable free resources and a personalized college funding evaluation from the nation’s leading experts at SMARTTRACK® College Funding.
They can help you identify and overcome any red-flags in your financial profile that keep you from maximizing grants, scholarships and financial aid, and assist you in developing your best college funding strategies.
Your college funding evaluation is a benefit of being a parent with Verde Valley School – there is no cost to you, and it’s confidential – they don’t share any information with us or anyone else.
Timing is critical. Starting as early as 9th grade is optimal, so don’t put this off!